I take a whole body approach to health and illness with a strong belief that the mind influences the body just as the body influences the mind. Numerous scientific research studies have shown anxiety, depression, worry, and chronic stress can have devastating effects on physical health or exacerbate medical conditions such as insomnia, headaches, chronic pain, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, and many others. Likewise, researchers have also found that when individuals address the emotional aspects of health conditions such as cancer, migraines, fibromyalgia, heart disease, or AIDS they can improve their quality of life and often their physical health. Furthermore, using psychological principles can help people make lasting behavioral changes that can enhance their overall wellness by stopping smoking, increasing medical treatment adherence, and making healthy lifestyle choices. I am passionate about exploring the mind body connection and using it to help people improve their physical functioning, emotional state, and overall health, which I have been doing since 1996.